Everyone Has A Story

By Ava Hanuscin

If you were to ask any aspiring filmmakers when their love for film came about, they would most likely tell you they had a camera in their hands by the age of 7. This wasn’t the case for me. At age 7, I had a basketball in my hands and a soccer ball at my feet. Although I’ve always had a creative side, there was no time for cameras when you played sports all year round. It was all I had ever known. That was until my junior year of highschool. I was allowed to take one elective class of my choice and I randomly chose media production. During the class, I was tasked with filming highlights of the boys soccer game and interviewing the players. Five minutes into their first game of the season, I was having more fun behind the camera than I ever did on the field. At the time, I wasn’t sure why this was, but I was eager for more. As I was putting the footage together, I realized that it was more than just showcasing a game and its players. It was a story, and I was able to bring it to life.

From that point on, I knew I wanted to pursue that feeling professionally. I applied to the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University and can confidently say it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Through my work in short films and student media organizations, I’ve come to understand storytelling as a form of connection. I believe everyone has a story to tell, and each one deserves to be shared. And as a storyteller, I’ve had the opportunity to make that happen. I am constantly looking for the chance to inspire, promote change, and form everlasting connections.

These aspirations brought me to One World Media, a London-based non-profit media organization during my recent semester abroad. The organization works to highlight underrepresented voices in journalism on a global stage. As an intern at One World Media, I was responsible for promoting documentaries from journalists all over the world and making sure they received the recognition they deserved. By doing so, we were able to shed light on a variety of social issues and bring them to the attention of people that could help. I came to realize how important and powerful storytelling can be by connecting both the teller and the receiver. Not only was this position extremely rewarding, but it also gave me the confidence and desire to keep pursuing this art of communication.
Therefore, when I came across JTWO’s internship program, I figured what better way to continue to enhance my skills, further my passion, and build my confidence than accept the challenge that is the [INC]ubator Project.