OCBP started as an idea I had about 3 years ago. I would spend all my summers down the shore goofing around with my friends and family on the beach. I wanted to mix my love for comedy and Mockumentary TV with this place that means so much to me. I wrote a bunch of episodes and even filmed some short scenes with my buddy Matt (who plays Clay in the show).
Fast forward to my internship at JTWO, where I finally got the chance to turn this idea into something real. It wasn’t just a concept anymore – it became an actual project. Making OCBP has been hands down the most fun I’ve ever had while filming, and it brought together everything I love about comedy and the beach.
Shooting on a beach comes with many challenges, the first of which is that you’re very much in the public eye. The beach has crowds of people wondering what you’re filming or wanting to be in your shot, and it becomes difficult to deal with when time is of the essence. To mitigate this, we shot all our exterior beach scenes very early in the morning. We began filming around 6am every day and wrapped by noon. This way, we avoided most crowds and made filming smoother. Getting up at 5:45 ready to hit the beach wasn’t easy, but it paid off when our shoot went smoothly.
The second challenge was sound. Getting good quality audio on a beach is very difficult, not only because of the crowds but also the roaring ocean. I combated this with a dual mic setup: boom with windscreen and dead cat, plus a lav as backup. Shooting early eliminated most crowd noises, but as the beach filled up, we had more people approaching us. This affected our sound quality as ambient chatter increased, but in the end, we got everything we needed.
Clay – Matthew Carey
Trent – Ryan Dixon
Chet- Rick Console
Jenna – Jenna Little
Random Beachgoer – Kayla Thompson
Writer/Director/Editor – Ryan Console
Camera Operators – Evan Moreau, Kayla Thompson
Assistant Director – Tessa Martinko
Sound Mixer – Peter Burghen
Ryan is a filmmaker based in Philadelphia, PA with over 6 years of experience with directing, shooting, and editing films and videos. Through the years he has filmed a series of short films, interviews, and promotional videos for companies. With his background in filmmaking and specialization in comedy, he loves making content that people enjoy watching.
This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.