JTWO Welcomes Intern Ben Soffer
Ben Soffer
My interest in filmmaking originates from my grandparents, they are both artists and painters so from a very young age I was exposed to Museums, art galleries, and workshops. Although I have drawn and made art from a very young age I never imagined myself ever pursuing art as a profession. I’m no where near a film buff and if you ask me about an expressionist film from the 70’s I can almost guarantee that I won’t know what your talking about. In my group of friends however I was always the go to guy with any movie trivia questions (this is a blessing but mostly curse). My only avenue of expression was watching films, whenever I felt anxious or frightened or sad I always had movies to calm me down. For so long I was too afraid to ever attempt to create anything myself, I knew it existed but never thought it was possible for me. Soon my obsession became more than a therapeutic release. I stopped watching films and started studying them.
My main interest as a kid was no doubt soccer, I thought growing up that I’d be alongside Messi or Ibrahimovic by now. I was never the fastest, or most technical, but I was able to keep up because I could outwork my opponents/ teammates. I don’t say this to brag, but to express how hard I had to work just to be as good as the guy next to me. This taught me one of my first life lessons in work ethic: “If you aren’t the best, work harder than the best.” This is something that has stuck with me throughout my life thus far.

Film didn’t enter my life until my Sophomore year of college. I had just finished my freshman year at the University of Delaware, I was on track to graduate with a business degree and I was doing quite well in my classes. My soccer dreams were long shattered, mostly because of several surgeries due to injuries I suffered on the field and the fact that I was never good enough to make it to that next level. I was lost, this period in my life was my most unhappy by far. My friends and parents could see that I had no passion for what I was doing and they could tell it was affecting my psyche.
One day my parents brought me to a barnes and noble and sat me down to talk about what was going on. They asked me why I wanted to major in business, about how I was doing, and what my plans were for the future. In that moment I could only think about one thing, film. Deep down I always knew I wanted to make movies, but I never thought I’d be good enough or creative enough or smart enough. But in that moment of desperation I chose to jump. I told them that I wanted to transfer to Temple to pursue a film degree. Although at first this decision worried my parents, they could see how serious I was. So they supported me, even though I could tell they were just as scared as I was.

This brings us to where I am now: I’m in my senior year of college and through hard work and discipline I have reached a level of skills in film that I never thought possible. With each year I learn more and more about this medium and strive to absorb as much as I can. I have failed and I have succeeded but I finally feel like I’m where I belong. This internship at JTwo really feels like a milestone in my film career and I hope to learn as much as I can during my time hear.
JTWO Says Goodbye To Val Genzano
Valerie Genzano
It's Not a Goodbye, It's a "See Ya Later".
So, today is my last day at JTWO for the summer. These last 3 months have been a wild ride to say the least, but my days at JTWO were always something to look forward to. I am not sure what I would have done if I didn’t spend Tuesday through Thursday every week working on amazing projects with some pretty cool people (and petting some cute dogs). I’ve come a far way from where I was at the end of May, and I’m so thankful for my internship here for helping me grow, address my visions, and expand creatively as an artist.
JTWO has really helped me see what the “real world” of film is like. Before this summer, I’d only had school and academic experience when it came to film, and it was extremely unfulfilling. I felt like I couldn’t really decide if this was something I wanted to pursue if I’d only lived in in the small fishbowl that is my university. In my time at JTWO, I’ve been on sets, done paperwork and videos for clients, and seen what it’s really like to exist as a member of a production company in the city. I was never treated as a “get me coffee, pick up my dry cleaning” intern – none of us were. We were always treated as people who were willing and able to do quality work. I feel like I accomplished a lot in the 12 weeks I spent at this internship, and I’ll take the lessons I learned with me throughout my career, whatever it might end up being.

I’ve always really loved organization and planning, and I got to do a lot of that at JTWO. I worked a lot on call sheets and some on scripts, but mostly I worked on the marketing side of things, which is something I had never done before. However, the guys put a lot of trust in me to handle blogs, Instagrams, and certain aspects of the website. I hadn’t ever thought too much into marketing, especially social media marketing, but I really enjoyed it. I cut down videos, made schedules, wrote captions, tracked audience response, and wrote blogs about different projects and shoots. I also starting planning some future events that JTWO might go forward with in time.
As far as my future goes, that’s not entirely decided. I have the wonderful issue of having too many options. I have a passion for film, I have a passion for art, and I have a passion for academia. I’ll graduate with my undergraduate degree in film, but I have plans for an Art History or Museum Education graduate degree. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t still do film. It’ll always be my first love, but I want to explore the world further before I tie myself to one career. No matter what, though, I plan to incorporate film and what I have learned at JTWO into whatever path I follow.

I truly had a lot going on this summer. Someone in my household was diagnosed with cancer right before I started, and I was so nervous that my time restraints were going to be an issue with my internship. Thankfully, I wasn’t coming into just any big-wig corporate internship; the guys were so understanding and really helped me out whenever I needed a day off or to leave early to handle things. They were so helpful getting through the summer. I also got to explore my situation and how I was feeling through my Intern Project, One Day at a Time. I was so grateful to meet so many people who were so talented and truly special. I was lucky enough to work with 3 other amazing interns this summer, and I was inspired by all of their hard work and creativity. I’ve made friendships that I know will last for years (@Maria, hey) and I can’t wait to see where everyone goes in the next few years.
I have nothing but respect, love, and thanks for JTWO. For anyone thinking about an internship with this company, I have a few words of advice: Go for it. Go all in, and don’t hold back. You need to come equipt with a few things before you start; you need passion, you need a good attitude, you need respect for the process and you need your creativity. I wish I could have done more for JTWO, but hopefully one day I can. But for now, I’ll just finish this internship how I started it: over-caffeinated, grateful, and excited for the future. Thanks JTWO. Til next time. Cheers.

JTWO Welcomes Intern Valerie Genzano
Valerie Genzano
Caffeine Fueled and Future Driven
Week one is over, and my excitement is greater than my caffeine consumption.
I’m Val, and I major in Electronic Media and Film with a focus on production and a minor in Art History at Towson University in Maryland. That’s a lot of words that can be summed up by saying “I love making films and also looking at art.” The arts and specifically film have been a part of my life since the beginning of my consciousness. It’s not like I grew up with “artsy” parents – my dad works in IT at a law firm and my mom was a teacher before she decided to be a stay-at-home parent. However, the arts have nourished me since I was a kid. I’ve spent almost every birthday since I was 11 at one museum or another, you couldn’t pry my camera out of my hand from the beginning of middle school, and I played an instrument for 12 years before giving it up to focus on film in college. So, after honing my interest in film throughout high school, I convinced my parents to send me 100 miles away to film school.

While I’m at school, I’m entirely submerged in film. I even make my money by working in the film department. For 3 full years, I have taken every opportunity I have been offered to be on a set or learn new equipment, and that overwhelming of the senses is what has brought me here today. And all the while, I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with this passion. I have tried it all – ADing, directing, producing, post-production, camera, you name it. All of this has culminated in me being an intern here at JTwo. I know I love film, I know I love creating, and I know I love telling real, meaningful stories. And now, thanks to some espresso, I’ve finished my JTwo-U Bootcamp, have gone back to basics, and have learned what I can before I dive headfirst into this summer.

Excited? Definitely. Nervous? A little, but really I’m mostly ready to move forward. It’s all you can do when the world is cracked open by opportunity like the one I have with JTwo. I am consistently looking forward to what comes next, but right now, I’ll focus on what’s in front of me. Learning, experiencing, and existing completely in a realm of creation to become the best filmmaker and storyteller I can be. Cheers to a fantastic chance and bright hopes for the next 11 weeks.
JTWO Welcomes Intern Maria Vattimo
Maria Vattimo
Become the Sponge
As a newly found graduate of JTwo-U bootcamp, the excitement of week two at JTwo begins with my first intern project. The first few days of interning consisted of being a mere sponge, soaking in pages and pages of information, inspirational storytelling tips, and videos of monotoned middle-aged men explaining how to properly hold a boom pole. Don’t get me wrong, it has been more than helpful as most things we were taught our freshman year of college have been long forgotten.

Remember that horrible camcorder movie you made with your middle school friends? Remember showing your parents and unnervingly staring at their faces, with the anticipation of the big punch line, wanting nothing more but for them to crack a smile? That was our first taste of what we’ll be doing for the rest of our lives. The drive to create meaning and inspire a feeling can’t be formulated, only developed through practice and determination, and that’s why I’m here; to become better at what I do and learn from those that are doing what they love.

Now, why am I doing this? Why wasn’t I a business major? Well….
My dad is a professional jazz pianist and my mom is a photographer so it’s no wonder I’ve been sucked into the arts my whole life. I’ve bounced around from one art form to the next from painting, dancing, acting, and even trumpet-playing but nothing captured me quite like photography and film. I started taking photos and dabbling in film when I was about 12 and from then on I felt at home behind the camera. Whether it be still or moving, capturing an image that explores something beyond the frame is where my heart is. In the past few years I’ve been working as a photographer and cinematographer for short films, an AC/Cam Op on feature films, along with working as a freelancer for advertisements, music videos, and events. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve done so far but I want to expand my reach and grow as a DP and I have no doubt that JTwo is the perfect place for me to improve my craft. Wish me luck over the next twelve weeks, I’m sure I’ll need it.
Chris Coughlan - "Originality in the Physical Form"
Chris Coughlan
Getting Started
Hello, my name is Chris Coughlan. I’m a recent graduate of Temple University with a Media Studies and Production degree.
When applying for the internship, I felt like this was my last resort. Nonprofessional sets weren’t giving me the experience I desperately needed. I’d been out of school almost a year. Not having a job right out of the gate pushed at my buttons.
Here at JTwo, my experience is like I’m at work. That has helped me feel more settled. I’ve been thrown right into working and creating. I’ve been one of the first to play around with the new A7S II. The FS7 looks quite appealing (Guys, this is my official request to try it. I’ve spent the past couple of days reading up on it). My goal is to work in the camera or lighting department. I want to help make the images that you see on a big screen.
At first, it was pretty daunting to be in the office. My bootcamp consisted of me in a room all by myself. That’s the very last place I’d hope to be. The inspirational videos are actually something I come back to when I feel in a rut. Especially when Jelani reminds me, or tells other people, that I look like Kenneth from 30 Rock. Thanks man, now I lack originality in the physical form as well.

I came to JTwo with the intention to hone my skills and work with higher grade cinema equipment. On top of that, I was looking for a team. Week 3 is coming to a close, and I’m happy to say I’ve been enjoying my stay. Opportunities to work on actual client projects are abundant. Your greatest learning experiences will come from these. Say yes to any of these opportunities. Volunteer as a tribute/slave to the Film Gods. I mean…be a PA.
You should absolutely read the blogs, they’ll do you justice. They may scare you, they’ll worry you, but they will HELP you. What’s most important is that you pay attention, they’re speaking from experience. Get through the bootcamp and reap the rewards of working on REAL things. I’m happy to say I’ve started shooting, and I will be going on my first set with the gang tomorrow. (UPDATE: I went, I shot, and had a blast with people of Bringing Hope Home.)
If I could give you the biggest tip of them all, research it before you ask a question. Half of my internship has been research and studying that research. Be prepared for whatever it is you are about to do. Learn more about what you currently do, you do not know as much as you think you do. I haven’t been yelled at or scolded just yet, but I’ve been avoiding it by staying on my toes and trying to get ahead of the game. It’s mostly because I worry myself. It’s probably a matter of time before my feelings get bruised.
Here’s to good luck and preparation. I look forward to the next blog, as I’ll likely have much more to say. You’re reading this because you proved yourself. Now, you have to keep that up.
Jake Price - "Don't Get Too Comfortable"
Jake Price
Rowan University
It’s been a while since I wrote one of these. I’ve been interning at JTwo for about six months now and I’m loving every bit of it! A lot has happened since my last post, so I’ll run you through some quick updates:
- I DJed the JTwo New Years Eve party (lit)
- I wrote a more unified script for the interns video (now titled “The Studio Life” by Justin)
- I started shooting scenes for said video
- Oh, there’s a new intern this semester, Scott. He’s a cool guy!
- I got to star in a video for Comcast. I felt like a big star, having a makeup and wardrobe department at my disposal. But don’t worry, I’m still humble about being an amazing actor.
- I went to the Addy Awards with Scott and Travis and we took home 3 awards for JTwo!
- I started working on another video series to help with revamping the JTwo U program.
- I did some client work for Century 21 and a lot more client work for FAAR.
- Also, another intern, Chris, started a couple weeks ago.

So that’s a rushed overview of where things have been going, but I think what’s most important isn’t what I’ve done, but what I’ve learned. Sure, I learned skills here and there with editing or when using a camera or light, but I think some of the bigger things I learned had to do with my own work ethic. When I first started at JTwo, I was eager to show my bosses what I could do — this hasn’t changed — and I think I really kicked ass my first semester. I’m not saying I stopped trying, but I noticed that I definitely didn’t feel the same need to try as hard when I came back from my winter break. I felt more comfortable in the office (for the most part, a good thing!), but I got a bit too lax about it all. I came in late a few times and sometimes forgot to say when I was going to be in or not (my schedule this semester is confusing and changes week-to-week). For the most part, things have been great, but I learned that I need to always stay hungry for more work, always be at 100%, and always communicate with people. These are life skills I learned through trial and error, but hopefully you, future intern reading this, can see where I went wrong and do things right for yourself.

But, like I said, getting comfortable around the office isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Working at JTwo for six months means I’ve had more opportunities to bond with the people around me (the dogs, too). Some of the best parts of being at JTwo are the (unfiltered) conversations that pop up randomly throughout the day. I know that when this internship ends, that will be one of the things I miss most – the people.

I still have a month left, and after coming to terms with some of my flaws in the past, I’m committing to turning myself around and having an amazing last 4 weeks of being a JTwo intern.
Until next time,
Your friendly neighborhood Spiderman
Crista Pillitteri - Rowan University
Crista Pillitteri
Rowan University
When JTWO Films took me in, I was a college senior. Yet, I still had a ton to learn. As an intern, I could have never expected the amount of experience they would give me.
…Or that I wouldn’t leave.
In my previous internships, I watched my supervisors during the shoots. I shadowed as they setup the wires, and they held the camera. I listened as they ran the show. But at JTWO, I was part of the crew. I had responsibilities, and as an intern so will you. I ran a camera. I setup the audio. I edited videos. And I had an opinion. Because I knew that the work I was doing was serious, for real clients, and because JTWO treated me as part of their crew, I worked harder. And it made me better.
JTWO gave me opportunities to both perfect a craft I was interested in, and to figure out new ones. I came in wanting to be a cinematographer and left dabbling in After Effects.
With JTWO, you can go in any direction, once you (and they) realize what your passions are. As an intern I did work with editing, camera, interviewing, graphics, and social media. You’ll quickly realize that there are so many areas for you to fit your interests into.
I think what is most important though, what really made JTWO different from any other internships I could have done, is that the JTWO guys genuinely wanted me to grow as a filmmaker. They took time to keep pushing me. And having people behind you like that is something that is a really big deal when you’re still trying to figure out where you’re going.

Week 1 Blog
My first assignment at Jtwo was to create a short film about the other intern, Brian. Justin talked to us about doing something more than just a simple ‘about me’ type video that was unmemorable: “Hi, my name is Jake and I love it here at Jtwo! I got interested in TV and Film when I was-” *yawn*. The goal here was to take the subject, in my case Brian, and to find a story that people could connect with. Justin stressed that we should find an audience and reach out to them; this film needed to carry a message, and it needed to know who to deliver it to. So now, at the end of this process, I’m looking back at how the PSA “Relapse” came to be.
It all started with Brian and I sitting down and having a deep discussion about our lives. I wrote down everything we talked about and started piecing it together, connecting dots, drawing lines between different parts of his life (read: A Beautiful Mind) to find a story worth telling.
I originally focused on telling the story of Brian, the guy who made it to this point in his life because of a bunch of experiences that shaped him, including his history with drugs, getting a job in the entertainment industry, going to community college, meeting his girlfriend, and taking classes at Rowan that helped him decide he love documentary-making. I brought it to Justin. Scrap the idea. Rather, cut the fat – The story doesn’t have to be about why or how Brian got to Jtwo. Find a story that features Brian, but goes way deeper in meaning. So I trimmed down, cutting out anything that explained why he loves tv and film. I cut out school. The theme that hit harder and felt like something I could really work with was addiction.
I rewrote the script two more times until I had something good. I thought, “what if I could still incorporate his love for tv and documentaries?” He told me how as s child he loved watching National Geographic. So, the first shot in my film about Brian was just that – National Geographic. It served a purpose for the story, but using a NG clip felt like the right personal touch, something subliminal for me or Brian, but not for the audience.
Brian’s girlfriend let us shoot at her apartment. The whole shoot was done in one afternoon. I bought an old CRT TV from a thrift store (points for dedication). We blocked every window we could to get the room as dark as possible. I then placed one light right in front of the TV facing Brian. We used no other lights whatsoever for this shoot, which worked out really well (albeit unconventional, don’t try this at home kids). I had him do a bunch of different gestures and had him just sit staring into the (probably blinding) light for a while as I got different angles around him. We did a few shots of him grabbing the bottle and voila, I had my footage. We also did his voiceovers that same day and I brought it all back to Jtwo and loaded it into the computer.
I liked the concept of him reflecting on his life, while also literally reflecting back to the television. I had been gathering footage for a few days already from different online sources to use as the TV content. I wanted it to feel real, so I needed to have the TV be like a single camera shot I could cut to, meaning that at any time there needed to be something on the screen. I made a copy of my script and broke it down line by line, finding footage that matched each line so the TV would reflect what he was saying. I downloaded all the videos I found and started editing everything together.
I first lined up the voiceovers and the shots of Brian. I wanted him to match his VO. Once I had my radio edit (audio-focused edit) complete, I started adding in TV clips to line up. Once all the TV clips were ready, I exported them into After Effects to give them their realistic TV-look. I used a video I shot at Brian’s girlfriend’s of the TV turning on and off as reference for the TV monitor and made it look like these web videos were actually playing on the TV. I bought it back into Premiere when I was done and did work on the audio and sound design (the whooshes, muffled tv sounds, reverb when you hear his thoughts, etc.). I made a few more tweaks from there, but that was basically it.
I remember a few clips of Brian accidentally worked great, like one where I said something to him and he let out a small smile (first thought: ‘bad take, don’t use it’). It was perfect to match up with when he said that taking Vicodin made him, “feel… better.” The credits were also fun to make, since I already had the idea of showing the definition of the word relapse. I thought it would be a perfect name for the video, to I left the title up, going through the rest of the credits to show this wasn’t just a definition – but the name of the film.
This was a really fun and satisfying project to work on, and if this is just an inkling of a taste of what’s to come here at Jtwo, I can’t wait for what I get to work on next!
Until next time,
– Jake From State Farm
[TL:DR] I made a short film. I tell you how I did it.