Street artists face stigma in society, sometimes making it hard to make a living in an urban setting. This documentary is meant to shed light on the culture behind street art in Philadelphia and why murals aren’t just a way to make walls look more exciting. In Black Book to Burner, we will get to know some local artists and learn their experiences in this industry.

Eva is a rising senior at Temple University studying Film and Media Production. She had the opportunity to intern with JTWO Films this summer and learn more about all things production as well as create her own documentary start to finish. Moving forward, she wants to pursue professional edition and post production in digital media.
This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.