How Nonprofits Can Share Their Mission with Video


How nonprofits can share their mission with video is crucial to spreading an organization’s message with the world.  In today’s digital age, video has become an increasingly important tool for organizations to connect with their audience and effectively communicate their message.

The benefits of using video as a communication tool are numerous. Video can help build emotional connections, create a sense of authenticity, and convey information in a more engaging and memorable way. By using video, you can bring your organization’s mission to like and help people understand the impact you are making in the world.

At JTWO, we live by the motto “The Story is Everything”. That’s exactly why video is such a powerful tool for nonprofits. By harnessing the emotional impact of video, organizations can share their stories in engaging and compelling ways, creating a deeper connection with their audience. That emotional connection is crucial for nonprofits as it can drive support and increase engagement for the cause. As a video production company, we bring this mindset to every piece of work we do, ensuring that the story is always at the forefront.

In addition to emotional impact, video also provides a platform for organizations to showcase their work and the impact they are making. By sharing success stories and the impact of their programs, organizations can demonstrate the value of their work and help people understand the difference they are making.

Another benefit of video is its ability to reach a wider audience. With the rise of social media, videos are easily sharable and can reach a large number of people quickly and efficiently. This is especially important for nonprofit organizations as they often have limited resources and need to make the most of every opportunity to reach their audience.

Finally, video can also help with search engine optimization. By incorporating multimedia content into your website, you can improve your search engine ranking and make it easier for people to find your organization online.

Video is a powerful tool for nonprofits to share their mission and the impact they are making in the world. Whether is is used to build emotional connections, showcase your work, reach a wider audience, or improve your online visibility, video is a critical component of any nonprofit organization’s marketing strategy.

In 2010, we launched The Projects That Matter Initiative as a way of using our talents to give back to the world around us. We began partnering with non-profit and social impact organizations within our local community in Philadelphia and donating our time, our equipment and most of all our hearts and minds to help them tell their stories in creative ways they never thought  possible.

It wasn’t long until our new initiative surpassed even our wildest dreams. As word spread, we began collaborating with hundreds of organizations around the world and the projects and productions just kept getting bigger and bigger. Soon, we were flying around the world to places like Africa, India and Haiti.  We were filming commercials in France or brand films in Scotland and educational content in seemingly every part of the United States, but we never lost sight of our original goal.

That is why to this day, even after more than a decade of projects we are committed now more than ever to give back and leave a legacy of impact.





JTWO partners with Hoops in the Hood, LISC Chicago, and Walmart once again to bring two more shorts on the kids in the program.  Hoops in the Hood is a program that provides a safe place for kids to play basketball and engage in other organized activities with caring adults and their peers. 

A few months ago, we traveled to Chicago to film these inspiring stories of basketball and community. We are honored to have the opportunity to capture the impact of the Hoops in the Hood program on the lives of young people in the city. “Basketball Saved Me” and “I’m Free” tell the stories of Apple G. and Devon F. within the Hoops program as they find discipline, focus, and a supportive community in which they can thrive. 

We are excited to finally release these videos and share the stories of Apple and Devon with the world. We hope that these videos will inspire others to support the important work that Hoops in the Hood is doing in Chicago and beyond. We would like to thank LISC Chicago, Walmart, and all the amazing people to make the program possible, for allowing us to be a part of this project. We are excited to see the impact these videos will have in the community. 

"Basketball Saved Me"

Client: Walmart Foundation
Creative Partner: Hoops in the Hood
Production: JTWO

Growing up in the Southside of Chicago isn’t always easy. Growing up as a young woman who lost her family is even more difficult. For Apple, basketball became her salvation and her Hoops in the Hood team became her family.

"I'm Free"

Client: Walmart Foundation
Creative Partner: Hoops in the Hood
Production: JTWO

Devin’s father taught him at an early age that basketball is more than a sport. Basketball and the lessons it can teach you about life are a path to a better future. This is Devin’s story.


JTWO is featured in Design Rush



We are thrilled to announce that JTWO is featured in Design Rush’s list on “The Best Marketing & Promotional Videos”. As a recognized leader in the video design industry, JTWO is honored to receive this distinction and be recognized for its commitment to producing powerful, impactful content.

At JTWO, we believe that storytelling is the key to connecting with audiences and creating a lasting impact. Our team of talented professionals is dedicated to crafting compelling, engaging stories that resonate with viewers and deliver results for our clients.

As a full-service video production company based in Philadelphia, we have the experience and expertise needed to bring your vision to life. Whether you’re looking for a promotional video to showcase your products or services, or a marketing video to drive engagement and conversions, JTWO is the partner you can count on.

We understand the importance of creating videos that not only look great, but also deliver results. Our team is made up of experienced professionals who are passionate about storytelling and committed to helping our clients achieve their goals. We use a data-driven approach to ensure that our videos are effective, and our team is always available to offer guidance and support throughout the production process.

JTWO would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Design Rush for highlighting our work and recognizing our commitment to producing impactful videos. This feature in video design is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. JTWO believes that the stories we tell are what connects us with our audiences and create an impact that is hard to forget. We would like to thank Design Rush for highlighting our work, and we look forward to continuing to create impactful videos for our clients. 

JTWO Welcomes Intern Nikai Morales

JTWO Welcomes Intern Nikai Morales




By Nikai Morales

For a very long time, I wanted to be a storyboard artist. One of my grandmothers’ was an art teacher. At the same time, the other was an author, so naturally, my desire to artistically tell stories was an amalgam of my love of them and the animated shows I watched at the time. I spent countless hours doodling, teaching myself digital illustration programs, studying frames, and watching YouTube animatics. A storyboard artist was all I wanted to be…until high school.

Going to a vocational high school, I was disciplined in video production–I mean, it was one step closer to animation than graphic design would have been (my other option). However, it wasn’t until I joined the school’s drama program that I realized I wasn’t just interested in helping portray animated stories but also enjoyed storytelling overall. It was a high school theater production with a club that was practically on life support. With every moment spent watching the people on stage from the light booth, butchering their lines, and complaining about the directing style or prop management issues, a little voice rang in the back of my head: “Well, I can do that!”

After that, it was a blur. A second-place award for a news directing competition, a short film for college applications, and a variety of small client projects later I found myself engrossed in visual storytelling while learning new skills along the way. However, when I started my first semester of college in Italy, the new setting and faces took a lot to get used to. So much so, I spent 2 and a half months before even thinking about wanting to tell another story. Right before we left, I found an old script. An 8-page, three-location, short film, almost fully fleshed out but put away for one reason or another. When I found it, I made the goal that I would shoot it before the end of next year. I had no plan, no actors, or locations but when I got to the University of Delaware I would join its only film club and pitch it to the members.

When I pitched it, the same problems cropped up. We’d need actors, a crew, equipment, one house, and a restaurant. I didn’t hesitate. I began making excel sheets of locations with contact numbers and addresses. I asked my family to shoot in the house while they were away on vacation. I posted actor listings on & backstage and rented rooms to hold in-person auditions. All the skills I had learned through video production and drama club came back as naturally as riding a bike. It was my first time managing a real crew–and I ran a tight ship. Strict call times, an on-set photographer, make-up artist, and finance management. This is where I really began to understand the role of a producer. Since then I’ve produced two short films with a director, and am currently working on two more projects. Being a storyboard artist and a producer are two different paths, however they have one thing in common; how do we plan effectively so we can get this project done?

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO Welcomes Intern Isabella Medina




By Isabella Medina


My name is Isabella Medina. I am a Senior at Temple University, currently studying Film and Media. 

From an early age, I have been drawn to the world of film, digital media, and design. Growing up in my family meant spending every weekend at the movies. We saw every film that we came across. Before the movies, we made sure to stop by Five Below to pick up some snacks. As kids, we had to hide our snacks by shoving them in our pants or under our shirts. If we did not make it to the movies, we would be at home bundled up on the couch watching a movie. Films helped my family and me connect in many ways. We introduced each other to new genres and concepts. Films allowed my siblings and me to look at things from a different perspective. Learning and understanding new things through films was a rewarding experience as a young girl. 

As I got older and started to apply to colleges, I had no clue what I wanted to do. A career in the creative world seemed so far out of my reach. After some time and thinking, I decided to apply to some colleges to study biology. To me, biology seemed like a reasonable career path. However, after applying to colleges as a biology major, I did a 180. My mom, who is a creative woman, asked me two simple questions: 

“What do you want most out of life?” 

“What are you passionate about?” 

I was not sure how to answer, but all I knew was that I wanted to be creative and travel. After taking a step back and looking in the mirror, I realized I did not want to major in biology. I wanted to share my creativity with the world and let my imagination run wild. So, I stopped applying to colleges and went on to the Community College of Philadelphia. After completing my associate degree, I applied to Temple University. I finally allowed myself to major in something I loved as a young girl. Luckily, it was an easy admission process, and I was accepted quickly. Community College allowed me to explore other career options before getting a degree in it or wasting money. If I could go back in time, I would do it all again. I have learned a lot about myself through these years and plan to continue learning. 

I am always looking for new and rewarding opportunities which can help me grow and develop my career in filmmaking, digital media, and design. I am excited to start my journey as an Intern at JTWO Films. 

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

JTWO Welcomes Intern Sara Latta

JTWO Welcomes Intern Sara Latta




By Sara Latta

Hi, my name is Sara Latta and I’m a Drexel 2021 graduate. There I studied photography and public relations. What brought me to JTWO was that I want to get into producing, while at Drexel I realized that I like to be more in control of the creative side of things and problem-solving rather than just being the photographer.

These past two years after graduating I’ve been trying to figure out what my next steps are going to be. This is how I found myself these past two summers at my childhood summer camp. There is nothing like being stuck in the Catskill mountains for 4 months. Camp has always been somewhere where I could be myself, it’s a judgment-free zone for the campers and counselors too. So two summers barely any wifi, screaming kids, the hot sun, and surprisingly my film camera. What does a person do?  Well for one of our off days we watched Love Island (UK) but we also talked about life, went on hikes and explored. I discovered that there is nothing like being a kid, the world is so grand and new to them that the possibilities are endless. It made me reflect on how my imagination as a kid was so big. I remember at one point I thought I was going to be an Olympic track star (I just started running that year). 

There is nothing like a little kid’s imagination and fearlessness. Getting back that kind of creativity has been a struggle. I used that side of my brain for 4 years and it started to feel weak. It was nice to ask the kids questions and pick their brains to see where it goes. They inspired me every day whether it was finally passing the swim test or simply making a new friend. They taught me to not be afraid of new things and that you should always try something out at least once to make sure you like it or not. They also taught me that sometimes it’s nice to see the world in rose-colored glasses. I want to bring the energy into my work, this internship, and my life.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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Director: Joe Roberto

The Angels is a short documentary following Kaitlyn Darrow and her mother Elissa Darrow and their charity The Angels Community Outreach. After surviving domestic abuse and a house fire, the two decided to create a charity to aid others in similar situations.



When I learned about the incubator project I felt overwhelmed by the options, logistics, and deadlines. In the beginning of this internship I felt anxious even thinking about my project and I struggled with coming up with a unique idea. It was only after talking to my fellow interns and internship supervisors that I began to feel that this project was attainable for me. I was still without an idea until one of my supervisors suggested that I work with a local charity. As soon as he said those words the idea clicked in my head. I decided I wanted to do a documentary on Angels Community Outreach. I had donated to them in the past and they seemed like a great local charity to work with. When I began doing my research on the charity I discovered the story behind the founders. Learning that the Darrows were survivors of domestic abuse and house fire, and yet decided to start their own charity led me to realize how impactful their story was and how important it was to tell it. 

When I pitched it to Justin, I pitched it as a regular sit down interview with B’roll of the charity’s space and inventory. Justin pushed me to get more stylistic with this documentary. He recommended shooting the B’roll in slow motion (which was certainly the right decision). With these notes and approval from JTWO I began to plan for my shoot and where my first challenge showed up: scheduling. Getting in contact and arranging the shoot with Angels was difficult. My goal was to shoot before Thanksgiving but I wasn’t able just due to how busy the charity was as well as the hectic shooting schedules for my fellow interns’ projects. But eventually I was able to arrange a day to film the charity. 

When I began editing I found that the hardest part was deciding which soundbites to use and how to tie them together. That’s where the slow motion shots really shined. I utilized the slow motion shots with the emotional music as a transition between different questions. This effect I think really tied my project together.

By the end of this incubator project, I felt really confident and proud of what I was able to produce. This whole experience really taught me how to work with others and how to push myself further than I think I can go. Wherever I end up after this, I am confident that I will be able to handle it and make some pretty great things.


I’m Joe, a recent graduate from Immaculata University with a degree in Interactive Digital Media and a minor in Film studies. I have a passion for video production and screenwriting. I am always working on developing my skills.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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"Showtime Sneaker Boutique"

Director: Izaiq Jeanty

A short ad created for Showtime Sneaker Boutique located in the Fashion District in Philadelphia.



Starting this internship I honestly knew I had a passion for production and entertainment but honestly never really had any experience, especially anything hands on. While being here I feel as though I have learned what I’m good at and also things I needed to work on to be better and thrive within the industry. After two months I would definitely say I gained a ton of useful knowledge and experience within the field of production. Being from New Jersey traveling to this internship within the city everyday was a brand new experience for me. From the city atmosphere to the environment within the internship this has surely been a fresh new dope experience for me.

Looking back at it now there’s a couple things I realized I could have done differently. One thing I noticed within this field once you get to post production you realize how important filming in production is. Once you get to post production there is only so much you can do to make sure all your visuals and the color within the video are in order, which is why I wish I spent more time catching as many shots as I can while making sure each frame is appropiate. Doing so could have made post production more easier for me, I found myself not being pleased with shots in a few projects across the semester of this internship which could have been avoided within production.

Working within this environment made me so much more comfortable with the decision I made to pursue the field of production. Working together with different people to make entertainment and content shows you how others view the world and adapt their imagination to it. I believe interning here at Jtwo was the perfect bootcamp of production I needed to get my feet wet and comfortable. From the Intern Basement to the Green room this internship has definitely been very memorable for me. I will not forget the things I learned and the people I have met here.


I’m Izaiq, a Ratio TV and Film major at Rowan University. I am focused on learning as much as I can within the production of film and media. 

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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"Startup Standup"

Director: Mark Milano

Startup Standup is a short documentary that looks to examine standup comedy as an art form and the reasons some dedicate their lives to pursuing it.



My incubator project is something I thought long and hard about. I wanted to document something that I truly cared about and for me it’s stand-up comedy. It’s something that connects the world, but the question that I wanted to answer was “Why do people do it, and how do they get started?”

It was awesome being able to talk to someone like Chip Chantry who has so much experience in the comedy industry. His insight really helped pull the film together and opened the door to explore so much more with our 2nd interviewee Sam Silverman. I really appreciated Sam’s openness and contribution to the film!

In terms of crafting the project, my pitch took many different turns. I think in many ways that is what I enjoyed so much about this project and documentary filmmaking as a whole. You never know what is going to happen while working through the process, but you have to keep going and continue to tell the stories that need to be heard.

The Incubator Project was a truly amazing experience. It was certainly a challenge, but I feel it was great preparation for what its like working in this industry. Learning the proper editing workflow and post production aspect is what I found to be the best aspect for my future projects and career. Very thankful for the experience!


I’m Mark, a student at Temple University for Film and Media Arts. I am passionate about creating films that tell great stories and move people. 

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO Celebrates a Successful 2022

JTWO Celebrates a Successful 2022

JTWO Celebrates a Successful 2022

Check out some of our favorites clips from 2022.



As a leading video production company, Jtwo Films has had a remarkable year in 2022, traveling both domestically and internationally, making stunning films and creating unforgettable memories. Our production crew has covered a diverse range of locations, from Minnesota to Hawaii and from the Dominican Republic to Scotland. Our team has also had the privilege of working in some of the most iconic cities in the United States, including Cincinnati, Kentucky, California, Ohio, Florida, Boston, New Orleans, Virginia, Washington DC, Idaho, Las Vegas, Maryland, Chicago, New Jersey, New York, and our hometown of Philadelphia. Our international productions have taken us to Budapest and Scotland, where we have captured the unique essence and beauty of each location.

As a full-service production company, Jtwo has established itself as a leader in the film production industry by delivering exceptional quality and creativity in all of our productions. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with amazing friends, family, and partners in 2022 and we are looking forward to another exciting year in 2023. On behalf of the entire Jtwo Films team, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all those who have supported us and celebrate with us in the past year. Here’s to a Happy New Year, filled with even more opportunities for creativity and collaboration in the world of film production.