JTWO's Incubator Project Presents "The Studio Life"

Created by Jake Price

Just another day at JTWO.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO's Incubator Project Presents "Relapse"

Directed by Jake Price

JTWO’s Incubator Project presents “Relapse”, highlighting the struggles for those battling with sobriety. Substance addiction doesn’t go away with sobriety. Recognize when you or a friend are still struggling with addiction, even if it’s a different substance.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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Introducing the JTWO [INC]ubator Project

Welcome to the Deep End of the Pool

We are proud to announce the launch of The JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

Nothing found.

One Day at a Time Cover Photo

JTWO's Incubator Project Presents "One Day at a Time"

Written & Directed by Valerie Genzano

A young female tries to keep it together while dealing with her college finals and her mother’s cancer diagnosis from 100 miles away.

Project Breakdown

Nora Ephron, an intern, and a project assignment walk into a blog.

My first week at JTwo felt a little rough for me. I was a little rusty while going through JTwo-U, made some mistakes, and learned things that were totally new to me. I was the last intern to start this summer, so I had to catch up on meeting the others and had to get used to the workflow. Now, by the start of my fifth week, I have found my rhythm. Every morning I visit my favorite coffee shop, and I start the day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. I have officially started working on a few projects and am now finished the ever feared intern project.

This wasn’t an easy road for me. It took a few tries to get the idea right. When I told Justin I wanted to do a mini-doc, he said, “You and everyone else.” I explained that I didn’t know if I had it in me to do another narrative piece – well, it turns out I did. When thinking up ideas, I turned to my personal hero and creative inspiration, Nora Ephron. Ms. Ephron consistently wrote about ideas she was connected to or had lived through herself. Her greatest inspiration was true life. So, I sat down, and I wrote a few drafts of a narrative piece about my life. (Not my whole life, of course, that would be a really long, boring movie about someone drinking too much coffee and watching a lot of Twin Peaks.) The last month of this past semester, the end of my junior year of college,  someone very close to me was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I go to school a hundred miles away from home, was in the middle of finals, and had no way out. It was one of the hardest times in my life and I wasn’t really sure how to cope.

And so, given this opportunity, I decided to make a movie about a girl trying to cope with her mom getting cancer during finals. Slightly on the nose, but it was an exploration for me of myself and of my situation. On top of ending up with a completed project, I’ve ended up with a better understanding of myself and saw what I was enduring through a different lens than I had seen it through before. The process of filming was difficult, but thankfully I had an amazing DP (@ Maria) and a wonderful actress, Jenna Lam. They really understood where I was coming from and each of them added so much to my first idea.

The second problem I had was that I was too tied to my idea. I ended up with around an hour of footage that I had to cut down to around 3 minutes. My first cut was around 6 minutes long, and after Justin gave me feedback, I bit the bullet and cut it down to around 3 minutes. It’s hard watching some of my favorite shots go, but I think everything turned out the way it was supposed to. I ended up with something that means a lot to me and that I am very proud of. I’m grateful JTwo gave me the opportunity to make this, because I know I wouldn’t have otherwise.  I learned a lot and now I can move on with the new knowledge and understanding of creating and of myself.

Going forward with my internship here, I’m so excited to see what I have the chance to do. I’ve already started working on some assignments here and there, but mostly I’ll be excited to focus fully on doing what I can to help the company. Cheers to the next few months, I can’t wait to see what’s accomplished while I’m here. Until next time!

Meet the Director

Val is an undergrad at Towson University studying Film and Art History. Her focus in film is Producing and Assistant Directing and she has a love for creating experimental films as well as narrative shorts. In the next few years she hopes to attend grad school in Philadelphia and find work in the fields she loves.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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JTWO's Incubator Project Presents "Operation Save Our City"

Directed by Austin Smock

After Roz Pichardo lost her brother in 2012 due to gun violence, she knew that she had to take a stand and combat this growing problem in Philadelphia. Her way of doing this was by creating Operation Save Our City, an organization dedicated to bring awareness and justice to families, who like Roz, have lost someone due to gun violence.

Project Breakdown

When talking with the guys from Jtwo about the summer internship, I was really excited when I learned that I will have the ability to create my own project within the first few weeks of being there. When it came time to start my project I immediately knew I wanted to do something under their Projects That Matter Initiative – a program that works directly with Non-Profit Organizations since my focus is documentary film.

I find myself very interested in projects that place me in situations that I would have otherwise not been exposed to, or know nothing about. I tend to focus on short form documentary with a cinema verite style. With all this mind, I usually begin searching google for articles about people in Philadelphia that are doing something in their community or for a story that really catches my

The process of getting my subject locked down wasn’t easy and it seems to never really be that easy. I was constantly researching potential subjects and reaching out to people, while not having much luck getting someone locked down. I kept pushing and eventually found my subject.

I have heard about Roz, from other subjects I worked with, but for whatever reason really never thought to try and pursue a project with her. After reading a few different articles and hearing tragic life story I knew that it was the project I wanted to create. Roz, was a victim of an attempted murder, lost her boyfriend at the time to gun violence, and years later her brother was murdered. After a short phone call with Roz, I knew instantly she was the subject I wanted my project to be about.


When I approached JTWO’s Creative Director, Justin Jarrett with my project idea, he liked the project, but wanted to see me try something different from the normal style that I roll with for my projects. I decided to use Roz’s interview more as a narration and using the visual’s than to illustrate the story Roz is telling. I also knew I needed to have compelling imagery because there would be no talking head throughout the video, so I immediately began researching films on vimeo that utilized the same style I wanted to go with for this project.

Vimeo is a great place to find references and I also find it very easy to find films that I like. Another great thing that vimeo provides, is the ability to add a video to a “watch later” list, which allowed me to constantly revisit the videos that I wanted to use as references for my project.

Since 2006, more than 14,500 people have been shot in Philadelphia.

At first I had scheduled two shooting days with Roz. The first day I would go with her to a motorcade that she was participating in, that was organized to bring awareness to gun violence. I shot quite a bit this day, but was also really focused on doing a bit of pre interviewing so I was 100 percent ready for the day I would do the interview her. A few days later I would be filming the interview with Roz and the rest of the broll. Due to the days I spent researching references and working on pre-production I went into this shoot day knowing what I wanted. We went to the location where her brother was murdered, her brother’s gravesite, shot the interview and then shot some broll around her house. After reviewing my footage, I realized I needed more that would really illustrate what she is saying throughout the video. Luckily, there was an event happening the following week where families would lineup on the art museum steps with photos of someone they have lost to gun violence. After capturing this event I knew I would have what I needed to complete the film.

I got back to Jtwo and immediately started editing my project, I had shot a majority of this project in 60fps and right away made the decision of having most of my broll in slomo. I felt it gave this angelic feel that really worked well with Roz’s story. I also decided to use music that wasn’t overpowering and distracting when watching the video. I decided to open the film, with the footage of her brother’s murder and then eventually bringing the film full circle with Roz speaking about the creation of her organization.

The editing process is something I struggle with, mainly because I get married to certain things that really do nothing for the video. I found that the time I spent of pre-production really helped make the editing process much easier. The second I had all of my selects and interview cut I knew how I wanted to edit the video together. This was also the first time I would be implementing statistics into a video and this was something new for that I was skeptical about at first, but it proved to add a really nice touch to the video. Overall, I this project showed me the importance of being open to trying new things and the potential benefits they can provide.

This project was a great experience that really showed me how crucial pre-production is if you want up your chances of creating a successful project. After the completion of this project, I realized it is good to try new techniques because it is a great way to grow as a filmmaker. This project was a great way to kick off the internship and I can’t wait to get started on my next project.

Meet the Director

Austin Smock is a Philadelphia based film-maker with a passion for creating documentary films. I love exploring new places and the people that inhabit them. Through my work I hope to give voices to people that are usually left without one and showcase people that are fighting for social change.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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Work Featured on Fred's Footsteps New Website

Work Featured on Fred's Footsteps New Website

Fred’s Footsteps has recently launched their new website which features several projects that we have created together.  Their organizational mission is to help working families stay on their feet through a child’s illness or injury and also direct financial assistance for non-medical expenses, such as household bills, to make up for gaps in income as well as one-time extraordinary expenses, like medical equipment or home modifications.

Click the link below to see their new site and head to “Families We’ve Helped” section to see our work.

JTWO's Incubator Project Brings you "Platform"

Directed by Maria Vattimo

A young cellist unites some unsuspecting bus patrons with a street performance and transports them with his enchanting music.


Project Breakdown

Guess who’s back with her finalized internship video? This gal right here.  The process of making the video was lengthy but nevertheless rewarding and I’m very proud to say I created it during my time at JTwo. The initial concept of my video is now just a distant cousin of the final cut, but the message remains the same. After my first concept didn’t pass the pitch, I had to rework my idea and give it more meaning beyond the visuals. I’m almost entirely a visual person, so translating the images in my head to an understandable written story has never been the easiest for me. Growing up, I was surrounded by artists and musicians, and I witnessed how these creative outlets served as an escape from reality for them. I wanted to make a video showcasing the hidden spots inside of us where creativity and spirit are able to flow freely and how music can become a mental time machine.

After workshopping my concept for a few days, Justin had approved my idea and I was able to move forward with the production. I reached out to all the actors I knew and within days, I locked down a full cast and crew which feels nothing short of a miracle. Then the locations… not as easy. My initial plan to film in a subway station and play live music was promptly shut down by the plethora of laws fighting against it, but I made it work. Then came the abandoned building that I needed; good thing my ballerina wasn’t afraid of running on active train tracks and breaking into an abandoned factory.

After four shoots, I had all the footage I needed and it was time to edit. A video comes to life in the edit and that is always the most rewarding part. After adding, deleting, and manipulating footage, the story had taken on a new meaning that I didn’t initially intend for, but I couldn’t be happier with where it went. Cut after recut, I was finally happy and so was Justin. Can’t wait to see what lies ahead next, here at JTwo.

Signing off,

Maria Vattimo

Filmmaker by day, Italian chef by night.

Meet the Director

Maria is a Philadelphian cinematographer and filmmaker. In recent years, her work has consisted of narrative films, fashion films, and music videos. With storytelling at the pulse of her work, she aims to create and illustrate with the camera, whether it be moving or still.

This project was created as part of the JTWO [INC]ubator Project. A semester long internship program built from the ground up to give young filmmakers, content creators, and all around hungry for a challenge individuals a place to stretch their creative minds while preparing them for the road ahead.

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valerie genzano

JTWO Welcomes Intern Valerie Genzano

Valerie Genzano

Caffeine Fueled and Future Driven

Week one is over, and my excitement is greater than my caffeine consumption.

I’m Val, and I major in Electronic Media and Film with a focus on production and a minor in Art History at Towson University in Maryland. That’s a lot of words that can be summed up by saying “I love making films and also looking at art.” The arts and specifically film have been a part of my life since the beginning of my consciousness. It’s not like I grew up with “artsy” parents – my dad works in IT at a law firm and my mom was a teacher before she decided to be a stay-at-home parent. However, the arts have nourished me since I was a kid. I’ve spent almost every birthday since I was 11 at one museum or another, you couldn’t pry my camera out of my hand from the beginning of middle school, and I played an instrument for 12 years before giving it up to focus on film in college. So, after honing my interest in film throughout high school, I convinced my parents to send me 100 miles away to film school.

Valerie Genzano

While I’m at school, I’m entirely submerged in film. I even make my money by working in the film department. For 3 full years, I have taken every opportunity I have been offered to be on a set or learn new equipment, and that overwhelming of the senses is what has brought me here today. And all the while, I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with this passion. I have tried it all – ADing, directing, producing, post-production, camera, you name it. All of this has culminated in me being an intern here at JTwo. I know I love film, I know I love creating, and I know I love telling real, meaningful stories. And now, thanks to some espresso, I’ve finished my JTwo-U Bootcamp, have gone back to basics, and have learned what I can before I dive headfirst into this summer.

Valerie Genzamo

Excited? Definitely. Nervous? A little, but really I’m mostly ready to move forward. It’s all you can do when the world is cracked open by opportunity like the one I have with JTwo. I am consistently looking forward to what comes next, but right now, I’ll focus on what’s in front of me. Learning, experiencing, and existing completely in a realm of creation to become the best filmmaker and storyteller I can be. Cheers to a fantastic chance and bright hopes for the next 11 weeks.

Daniel Foster

Daniel Foster

Daniel Foster

It's Like Tinder, but Without the Sex

Hey everyone, my name is Daniel Foster.You can call me Dan for short, but then again you can’t call me, because this is a written document and you don’t have my number. Logistics aside, welcome to JTWO Films!

Although I am not Patrick Stewart, I know what you are thinking. “Please for the love of god, don’t let me mess this up!”.  Relax, take a deep breath, and pet one of these amazingly friendly puppies. Now, I have only been here for a few days, but can already tell this is the kind of environment that you learn the most in. JTWO was a glistening light in the smog that is post college. Application after application with little to no response, best describes the months of disappointment following graduation. I was starting to lose hope and felt like Tom Hanks on his stranded island, where the only thing I had was my film degree.

Tom Hanks

Luckily, JTWO took a chance and gave me an internship I couldn’t be more happy about.

You have a relaxed, but professional group of leaders, kind and helpful interns, and amazing gear that industry professionals use. Those three things will make this not only insightful, but a lot of fun! Some tips I can give in your first few days are memorize the boot camp. This tool is insanely well put together and very helpful moving forward. I was constantly looking back to ensure that i was following the proper protocol with footage and will surely reference long after my time here.

When in doubt, ask questions! You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out everything, sometimes the simplest solution is simply asking someone.Of course, you should do some research on your own. A Lot of the things you work with have answers to questions via the internet. That cool thing that is useful for more things than your “ME” time.

Do Not Disturb

With that said, this is an internship built to give you knowledge to succeed. So don’t pull a Sherlock Holmes and over analyze something for four seasons, just ask questions! I promise they won’t think any less of you……..well maybe Jelani.

I am very eager to get rolling on some projects. The fact that you’re going to spend most your day doing something you went to school for should excite you. This is the time to make yourself stand out, so be sure to come here with your game face on.

Game Face Bro

Now let’s come full circle with the answer to your question, how is this anything like Tinder? Well……Lemme actually think and make up something. Ok, got it! You built your profile, you put yourself out there, and now you have matched with something really special. You’re going to have those few awkward first exchanges, but eventually things could turn out really sexy (As in the projects that you’re going to be working on). See, told you I could do it.

It's a Match

Now enough motivation, go kick some ass.

Maria Vattimo

JTWO Welcomes Intern Maria Vattimo

Maria Vattimo

Become the Sponge

As a newly found graduate of JTwo-U bootcamp, the excitement of week two at JTwo begins with my first intern project. The first few days of interning consisted of being a mere sponge, soaking in pages and pages of information, inspirational storytelling tips, and videos of monotoned middle-aged men explaining how to properly hold a boom pole. Don’t get me wrong, it has been more than helpful as most things we were taught our freshman year of college have been long forgotten.

Maria Vattimo

Remember that horrible camcorder movie you made with your middle school friends? Remember showing your parents and unnervingly staring at their faces, with the anticipation of the big punch line, wanting nothing more but for them to crack a smile? That was our first taste of what we’ll be doing for the rest of our lives. The drive to create meaning and inspire a feeling can’t be formulated, only developed through practice and determination, and that’s why I’m here; to become better at what I do and learn from those that are doing what they love.

Maria Vattimo

Now, why am I doing this? Why wasn’t I a business major? Well….

My dad is a professional jazz pianist and my mom is a photographer so it’s no wonder I’ve been sucked into the arts my whole life. I’ve bounced around from one art form to the next from painting, dancing, acting, and even trumpet-playing but nothing captured me quite like photography and film. I started taking photos and dabbling in film when I was about 12 and from then on I felt at home behind the camera. Whether it be still or moving, capturing an image that explores something beyond the frame is where my heart is. In the past few years I’ve been working as a photographer and cinematographer for short films, an AC/Cam Op on feature films, along with working as a freelancer for advertisements, music videos, and events. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve done so far but I want to expand my reach and grow as a DP and I have no doubt that JTwo is the perfect place for me to improve my craft. Wish me luck over the next twelve weeks, I’m sure I’ll need it.