Travis Capacete Joins ADCP Board of Directors
Our Principal Business Director, Travis Capacete has recently been added to the board of the Art Directors Club of Philadelphia as Film Chair. He will be working side by side to produce content with their leadership team.
Travis may be the Co-Founder and Principal Business Director at Jtwo Films, an award-winning production company in Philadelphia, but don’t call him a suit – no, really…don’t, he may cut you. With Larry David as a role model and Uncle Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson as his spirit guide, a typical day in the life for Travis consists of: happy hour at the local dog park with his sidekick, Ken Griffey, Jr., signing up for an 8K but going to brunch instead, a fight with a Taxi driver, Uber driver, Lyft driver or really just any driver, finished off with a glass of “Tylenol” (aka, whiskey, 1 large cube) with a DQP with chee (McDonald’s style). As a Producer and Editor, Travis has worked at both NFL Films and Alchemy X before starting his own shop at Jtwo (but let’s be real, he really just wanted a place to host fantasy football drafts). As the newest member to join the ADCP Team, Travis is already making noise. He has held numerous protests in support of hazing the next member to join the team following his induction.
ADCP connects students with mentors, Ad nerds with nerd buddies and CD’s with creatives. They “host panels” (They throw parties.) Where dead work comes alive and digital marketers pretend to be musicians. Because they have no individual ego. They’re here for the greater good of generating really great work in Philadelphia. As long as creativity exists, so will ADCP.
JTWO Welcomes Intern Ben Soffer
Ben Soffer
My interest in filmmaking originates from my grandparents, they are both artists and painters so from a very young age I was exposed to Museums, art galleries, and workshops. Although I have drawn and made art from a very young age I never imagined myself ever pursuing art as a profession. I’m no where near a film buff and if you ask me about an expressionist film from the 70’s I can almost guarantee that I won’t know what your talking about. In my group of friends however I was always the go to guy with any movie trivia questions (this is a blessing but mostly curse). My only avenue of expression was watching films, whenever I felt anxious or frightened or sad I always had movies to calm me down. For so long I was too afraid to ever attempt to create anything myself, I knew it existed but never thought it was possible for me. Soon my obsession became more than a therapeutic release. I stopped watching films and started studying them.
My main interest as a kid was no doubt soccer, I thought growing up that I’d be alongside Messi or Ibrahimovic by now. I was never the fastest, or most technical, but I was able to keep up because I could outwork my opponents/ teammates. I don’t say this to brag, but to express how hard I had to work just to be as good as the guy next to me. This taught me one of my first life lessons in work ethic: “If you aren’t the best, work harder than the best.” This is something that has stuck with me throughout my life thus far.

Film didn’t enter my life until my Sophomore year of college. I had just finished my freshman year at the University of Delaware, I was on track to graduate with a business degree and I was doing quite well in my classes. My soccer dreams were long shattered, mostly because of several surgeries due to injuries I suffered on the field and the fact that I was never good enough to make it to that next level. I was lost, this period in my life was my most unhappy by far. My friends and parents could see that I had no passion for what I was doing and they could tell it was affecting my psyche.
One day my parents brought me to a barnes and noble and sat me down to talk about what was going on. They asked me why I wanted to major in business, about how I was doing, and what my plans were for the future. In that moment I could only think about one thing, film. Deep down I always knew I wanted to make movies, but I never thought I’d be good enough or creative enough or smart enough. But in that moment of desperation I chose to jump. I told them that I wanted to transfer to Temple to pursue a film degree. Although at first this decision worried my parents, they could see how serious I was. So they supported me, even though I could tell they were just as scared as I was.

This brings us to where I am now: I’m in my senior year of college and through hard work and discipline I have reached a level of skills in film that I never thought possible. With each year I learn more and more about this medium and strive to absorb as much as I can. I have failed and I have succeeded but I finally feel like I’m where I belong. This internship at JTwo really feels like a milestone in my film career and I hope to learn as much as I can during my time hear.
Fred's Footsteps Superheroes
We have once again partnered with Fred’s Footsteps to showcase the extraordinary courage of several young men and women. While some of you may have costumed Superheroes today for Halloween, we are excited for you to meet some of the real Fred’s Footsteps Superheroes that we were lucky enough to share a shoot day with.
Fred’s Footsteps believe’s that everyone has the power to do extraordinary things to improve the lives of others. Because you care, they are able to transform lives. Join them in their quest and become a Fred’s Footsteps hero too! Give today and earn your superhero status:…
This project was made possible through our Projects That Matter Initiative. The Projects That Matter Initiative is a Philadelphia based video production program with the mission of providing professional digital media services to Non-Profits at a discounted rate. To learn more about how your organization can join the initiative and qualify for creative content production discounts click below.
JTWO Partners with Philly ADCP

We are proud to announce a new creative partnership with Art Directors Club of Philadelphia… we will be working side by side to produce content with their leadership team.
Fred's Footsteps: Meet the Palmisano Family
Fred’s Footsteps is a Philadelphia based nonprofit organization that offers financial aid to families in need that are struggling with sick or injured children. Our team at JTwo works hand-in-hand with Fred’s Footsteps to highlight the loving families that benefit from this courageous non-profit organization.
Meet the Palmisano family and their brave little boy, Luca.
Janssen Storytellers Series: Susan
Our team is partnered with Janssen Immunology to do a Storytellers Series on the people who make a real difference in the world of immunology. We work on making individual spots for several employees of Janssen to highlight what makes them feel so passionately about fighting immune disease.
Meet Susan, a Janssen Immunology employee and Director in the Dermatology Clinical Development Group. She’s fought Breast Cancer, and now she’s fighting immune disease with Janssen.
JTWO Says Goodbye To Val Genzano
Valerie Genzano
It's Not a Goodbye, It's a "See Ya Later".
So, today is my last day at JTWO for the summer. These last 3 months have been a wild ride to say the least, but my days at JTWO were always something to look forward to. I am not sure what I would have done if I didn’t spend Tuesday through Thursday every week working on amazing projects with some pretty cool people (and petting some cute dogs). I’ve come a far way from where I was at the end of May, and I’m so thankful for my internship here for helping me grow, address my visions, and expand creatively as an artist.
JTWO has really helped me see what the “real world” of film is like. Before this summer, I’d only had school and academic experience when it came to film, and it was extremely unfulfilling. I felt like I couldn’t really decide if this was something I wanted to pursue if I’d only lived in in the small fishbowl that is my university. In my time at JTWO, I’ve been on sets, done paperwork and videos for clients, and seen what it’s really like to exist as a member of a production company in the city. I was never treated as a “get me coffee, pick up my dry cleaning” intern – none of us were. We were always treated as people who were willing and able to do quality work. I feel like I accomplished a lot in the 12 weeks I spent at this internship, and I’ll take the lessons I learned with me throughout my career, whatever it might end up being.

I’ve always really loved organization and planning, and I got to do a lot of that at JTWO. I worked a lot on call sheets and some on scripts, but mostly I worked on the marketing side of things, which is something I had never done before. However, the guys put a lot of trust in me to handle blogs, Instagrams, and certain aspects of the website. I hadn’t ever thought too much into marketing, especially social media marketing, but I really enjoyed it. I cut down videos, made schedules, wrote captions, tracked audience response, and wrote blogs about different projects and shoots. I also starting planning some future events that JTWO might go forward with in time.
As far as my future goes, that’s not entirely decided. I have the wonderful issue of having too many options. I have a passion for film, I have a passion for art, and I have a passion for academia. I’ll graduate with my undergraduate degree in film, but I have plans for an Art History or Museum Education graduate degree. However, that doesn’t mean I won’t still do film. It’ll always be my first love, but I want to explore the world further before I tie myself to one career. No matter what, though, I plan to incorporate film and what I have learned at JTWO into whatever path I follow.

I truly had a lot going on this summer. Someone in my household was diagnosed with cancer right before I started, and I was so nervous that my time restraints were going to be an issue with my internship. Thankfully, I wasn’t coming into just any big-wig corporate internship; the guys were so understanding and really helped me out whenever I needed a day off or to leave early to handle things. They were so helpful getting through the summer. I also got to explore my situation and how I was feeling through my Intern Project, One Day at a Time. I was so grateful to meet so many people who were so talented and truly special. I was lucky enough to work with 3 other amazing interns this summer, and I was inspired by all of their hard work and creativity. I’ve made friendships that I know will last for years (@Maria, hey) and I can’t wait to see where everyone goes in the next few years.
I have nothing but respect, love, and thanks for JTWO. For anyone thinking about an internship with this company, I have a few words of advice: Go for it. Go all in, and don’t hold back. You need to come equipt with a few things before you start; you need passion, you need a good attitude, you need respect for the process and you need your creativity. I wish I could have done more for JTWO, but hopefully one day I can. But for now, I’ll just finish this internship how I started it: over-caffeinated, grateful, and excited for the future. Thanks JTWO. Til next time. Cheers.

JTWO Launches back to school project with and Simone Biles
We recently teamed up with Olympic Gold Medalist Simone Biles and to talk to kids about the pressures during back to school season in Washington, DC. Simone shared tips for saying YES to a healthy lifestyle and NO to underage drinking. ABC’s Dancing with the Stars also tagged along as they visited students at Arlington Science Focus School and Capitol Hill as part of their Ask, Listen Learn Program.
This is the second project we teamed up with Simone and to Producer that as part of our Projects That Matter Initiative. See the other HERE.
This project was made possible through our Projects That Matter Initiative. The Projects That Matter Initiative is a Philadelphia based video production program with the mission of providing professional digital media services to Non-Profits at a discounted rate. To learn more about how your organization can join the initiative and qualify for creative content production discounts click below.
Janssen Storytellers Series: Kathleen

Our team is partnered with Janssen Immunology to do a Storytellers Series on the people who make a real difference in the world of immunology. We work on making individual spots for several employees of Janssen to highlight what makes them feel so passionately about fighting immune disease.
Meet Kathleen, a Janssen Global Program Leader who is inspired by her friends’ struggles, working towards creating a world free from immune diseases.
Janssen Storytellers Series: Ryan

Our team is partnered with Janssen Immunology to do a Storytellers Series on the people who make a real difference in the world of immunology. We work on making individual spots for several employees of Janssen to highlight what makes them feel so passionately about fighting immune disease.
Meet Ryan, who has Type I Diabetes and uses his passion for immunology to help others afflicted by immune disease.