Ask, Listen Learn asked us to write and produce Public Service Announcements (PSAs) featuring 5-time Olympic Gold Medalist Nathan Adrian along with Attorneys General from over 20 states. Each PSA is aimed at helping educate parents on how they can help their kids say “yes” to a healthy lifestyle and “no” to underage drinking. Nathan is the newest champion to join Ask, Listen Learn, a program that the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (Responsibility.org) developed alongside a team of educators and organizations specializing in middle school-aged students.
The Project
The PSA’s were filmed in Washington, DC over the course of one day with post-production taking place in March in order to launch the projects during April’s Alcohol Awareness Month. The PSA’s were written and directed by our Principal Creative Director, Justin Jarrett.
Behind the Scenes
21 PSA’s in 5 hours….need we say more?
This project was made possible through our Projects That Matter Initiative. The Projects That Matter Initiative is a Philadelphia based video production program with the mission of providing professional digital media services to Non-Profits at a discounted rate. To learn more about how your organization can join the initiative and qualify for creative content production discounts click below.